Esté Grobler
I provide psychological therapy sessions for adults and work with issues such as anxiety, stress, trauma, and personal growth. I particularly focus on the mind-body connection to address these issues in a holistic way.
I've been working with survivors of trauma since 1998 and offer a variety of interventions to facilitate recovery. My approach includes EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and Resource Oriented Skills. The latter two approaches focus on building resilience and resolve muscle memories of trauma through various practices of mindfulness and sometimes movement.
Not everyone develops trauma symptoms or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but the most common causes of trauma are motor vehicle accidents, combat stress, childhood abuse or neglect, rape, natural disasters, and experiencing or witnessing violence. It is also possible to not feel yourself after other smaller events or experiences. Examples are giving birth, invasive medical or dental procedures, a fall, or prolonged periods of immobilization.
Unresolved trauma can lead to various physical and psychological symptoms such as: hyper-vigilance / mistrust; nightmares / flashbacks; generalized anxiety / panic attacks; chronic pain / headaches; decreased concentration / forgetfulness; difficulty sleeping; depression / feeling numb / loss of interest; irritability / emotional overwhelm; hopelessness / shame / feeling worthless; substance abuse / eating disorders; feeling spaced-out / detached; or self-destructive behaviour.
Click here for a short introduction video to EMDR from the National Centre for PTSD.
£100 per 50 minute session.
Registered with Medical Insurers:
Aviva, AXA PPP, Cigna, Exeter Family Friendly, Healix Health Services, Pruhealth, VitalityHealth, and WPA.